Operating and Investment Platform
We Are
Urban Cascade is an independent operating and investment platform targeting high growth digital infrastructure investments with secular tailwinds in the technology-led real estate sector. Focused on assets that have long-term contracts, high-concentration exposure to investment-grade counterparty risk, and most importantly, cash flows that are growing with customers that are growing

Macro Towers
Steel structures typically ranging from 30-120 meters that hold communications equipment
Urban Cascade focus includes: Wireless cell towers, TV & radio broadcast towers and mobile sites located on billboards
Data Centers
Specialized buildings equipped with power and cooling infrastructure to house computer servers
Urban Cascade focus includes: Retail colocation (carrier neutral), Hyperscale colocation, Wholesale colocation (non-hyperscale) and Interconnection-based colocation

Provides dedicated high bandwidth fixed network capacity via lit services or dark fiber
Urban Cascade focus includes: lit backhaul, enterprise and wholesale, E-Rate & government and dark fiber
Small Cell / DAS
Enable additional network densification by offloading traffic and bolstering capacity in the areas of the network where data demand is the greatest
Provides outdoor and indoor network densification for wireless carriers and cable operators
Urban Cascade focus includes: fiber fed small cells, outdoor DAS (oDAS) and indoor DAS (iDAS)